Stiforp Profits

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Viral Marketing & E-Mail

Viral marketing and E-Mail, a study by Sharpe Partners, an interactive marketing agency, revealed that 89% of adult Internet users in America share content with others via e-mail.  

The study generated some interesting results regarding the type of content that is most often forwarded, as well.  The most popular content is humorous material.

The second most popular category is news, followed by healthcare and medical information, religious and spiritual material, games, business and personal finance information and sports/hobbies… in that order. So it is easy to see that humor is the best content for your viral e-mail campaign. 

Cartoons, jokes and funny video clips are among the things that can be added to a Viral marketing and E-Mail to insure that it will go viral. People will want to pass along something that makes them laugh.

They are a lot more likely to hit the forward button and send your email to their friends and relatives if it is an “advertainment” rather than an advertisement. 

Not along ago, about 35 million people got an e-mail containing a picture taken in Disneyland. It took a minute to see it but there was Donald Duck lying prone in front of the famous Cinderella Castle.  The title of the picture was “Bird Flu has hit Disneyland”. It was a viral e-mail advertising Disneyland and used the edgy strategy of making light of what’s serious… and it works.

I’d guess that most people who own a computer have seen that picture… and thus the advertisement for Disneyland.  The bird flu epidemic is newsworthy and has the potential to attract an enormous amount of attention to any brand that might, for whatever reason, associate itself with it.

Remember that people are much more likely to share a joke or a funny picture than anything else so you would be well advised to include humor in your viral marketing and E-Mail campaign.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Baby Boomers Retiring or Time to Start Over

Baby boomers retiring or suddenly starting over with a new career are a trend that is exploding some baby boomers today.  There has always been a phenomenon of older workers trying something new but the trend has hit such a new high in the baby boomer retirement picture.

In our parents working years, the norm was to work for the same company and be a “company man” for 40-50 years, get that old watch and retire with a handsome retirement package.  That formula just doesn’t work any more.

For one thing, retirement plans supported by employers have become a thing of the past.  Savings for retirement have plummeted as the financial demands of life are all most people can keep up with.  So the concept of working on into what used to be called retirement years is now a given if for no other reason than financial necessity.

The model we just laid out of employees staying with the same company for their entire adult lives is simply no longer a reality for all but a few in the modern work force.  Most baby boomers retiring have worked for dozens of companies in their adult lives so their retirement packages, if they exist at all, are small.  Part of this can be attributed to the entrepreneurial spirit of baby boomers.  But there has been a discernable shift in the way American business works as well.  Companies don’t like the idea of keeping employees that long.  Add to that the fact that so many companies have gone out of business been absorbed in huge corporate buy outs or undergone drastic downsizing that by the time most boomers hit their 50s and 60s, the idea of keeping one single career moving forward is pretty hard to sustain.

But these negative explanations are not all there is to why baby boomers are starting over late in life.  Boomers never did accept that the rules of life or aging applied to them.  They are ambitious, adventurous and willing to strike on new paths with much less fear than previous generations.  As boomers have faced some of the challenges of the economy and the modern business world, they have responded aggressively by starting businesses or changing their careers entirely late in life.  And they are just as willing to pay their dues and stick with that new career until they are successful as they were when they were 30.

Many workers find a line of work and learn they can pay the bills and raise the kids early in life but they do not follow their dream career at that time.  So when the time in life comes that the kids are out of the nest, the house paid off and the adventure of living has settled down somewhat, some baby boomers retiring see that as the chance to finally throw off that boring old career and go after their dream career once and for all. 

It’s inspirational to see someone in that stage of life setting the standard for not settling for anything less than realizing their dream by launching a new career doing what they always wanted to do all along.  Who can fault boomers from wanting that kind of gratification of finding success in a career that fulfills their passions?  So God bless the late in life boomers who go for the brass ring in their golden years.  They will be an inspiration for many coming behind them to be as bold about their lives as well.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

 Super-Foods List that Squash Stress

Super-Foods List that Squash Stress and don’t let life get the best of us on those bad days.  Whether it’s working too many hours, shuffling your kids all over town for their activities, taking care of your household, or dealing with personal or family matters, stress can take its toll on you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  But there are simple steps you can take to combat stress, starting with the foods you eat. 

Avoiding caffeine and alcohol is a good start when life’s particularly stressful.  Stimulants and depressants like these can both zap your energy and rob you of the fuel you need to successfully cope with tension.  Sugary foods should also be avoided as well, as they cause your blood sugar levels to spike then dip rapidly, which can in turn make your energy levels spike and dip at the same rate. 

However, there are several super-foods list out there that provide you with the energy and nutrition your body needs to keep stress in check

Asparagus, which is high in folic acid, can help level out your moods. Folic acid and vitamin B are key players in producing serotonin, a chemical that gets you into a good mood.  

And though we may hear negative things regarding red meat, it’s actually a wise dinner option for a stressed-out family. Beef’s high levels of iron, zinc and B vitamins not only help get you into a good mood, but help you stay there as well.  Your local butcher can help you select lean cuts for the healthiest options to help balance out that super-foods list when it comes to animal meats.

Milk really does a body good. Chock full of calcium, protein, antioxidants, and vitamins B2 and B12, it helps strengthen bones and promotes healthy cell regeneration.  Paired with a healthy whole-grain cereal choice in the morning, low-fat milk is a great way to start your day and arm yourself to do battle with the stressors that await you.  Cottage cheese is also another great dairy choice, and when coupled with a fruit that’s high in vitamin C, it helps the body battle free radicals that run rampant during your most stressed periods. 

Almonds are also an awesome choice when it comes to arming yourself against stress and is a great snack to have on your super-foods list..  They’re high in magnesium, zinc, as well as vitamins B2, C, and E and unsaturated fats, all which are great warriors against free radicals, which have been shown to cause cancers and heart disease.      

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Building Opt-in List

Before revealing the secrets of the trades, here are myths and fallacies that need to be cleared before one indulges into building an opt-in list. These marketing misconceptions could pose so much of an obstacle towards your profiting well from your business.

Not a lot of people use email

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods nowadays simply because virtually almost all people use email. Check on those email fields or blanks required to be filled up on various forms needed in processing different transactions. A person without an email address is tantamount to a person without an online home, which is one big shameful truth for this generation.

Email marketing campaigns can offend a lot of people

The not-so secret way to surmount this dilemma is through permission-based advertising. There's no harm in trying after asking for permission.

It's stupid to send email to all the people

The key to this predicament is to have a very discerning eye on who to email and who to not email. Better look for some metrics on how to know which group of people would give you high ROI or return on investment.

The Real Deal with Building Opt-in List

After clearing the fog regarding email marketing myths, here's how one can benefit from employing the power of email marketing campaigns - building an opt-in list.

However, building an opt-in list is not a piece of cake particularly for the uninitiated. Here is a rundown of tips on how to succeed in this kind of marketing endeavor.

1. Strategic Collection of Data

Know which information from your audiences will help you in lowering expenses and/or make sales flourish. Devise a tactic to make people voluntarily provide you with the information necessary to create higher conversion.

Overload of data is not good. Ask only for opt-in, with their full name and email addresses. Make sure that the profiles that you gather are updated to aid in improving the relevance, timeliness and satisfaction from each deal you make.

2. Good Implementation

Old adage says it all - 'action speaks louder than words'. This easily translates to the difficulty one has to undergo during the execution of his or her email marketing efforts. It's a good thing that various methods, often low-cost, abound to hasten and facilitate the building up of one's opt-in database.

Tracking your email marketing results can pose great hardship, too. Technology and relevant sources should be employed in making this aspect of your marketing a lot manageable. Your high traffic groups of opt-ins with the greatest result should be taken noted of.

The following are the most widely used methods to leverage channels without overspending:

1. Make use of websites.

It is an excellent tool for data collation and providing you with relevant info regarding your email offers. Use forms that solicit your visitor's email address and consent.

2. Make use of print ads, brochures, TV, radio and direct mail.

These are the more popular ways of marketing aiming to lead traffic to one's site. You may want to ask for signups for email services. Make your website more visible through these media. Offering free electronic newsletters and or rewards program can do well in making it easy to win the nod of your audiences, too.

3. Maximize your sales force.

Customer service associates can help a lot in making you benefit more from your email correspondence. Sales people with proper education on how to aid you in this endeavor can very well contribute to higher ROI. Techniques like offering account updates and special programs through email can easily land you those lists of valuable visitors.

4. Don't make your point of sale pointless.

Forms for signup located at cash registers and other high-traffic and highly visible spots can be very excellent venues for your business to collect email addresses. Notification of upcoming sales through their email addresses and names can coax them to supply you with the information you need.

5. Conferences or trade shows can work, too.

Giveaway offers or entries on sweepstakes are great for opt-in to volunteer their contact details.

These tactics should be applied with adequate caution and should focus on earning the trust of your opt-in list instead of simply collating data for your sole own benefit. Always make sure that the forms that you will use and other methods that you will employ will not necessitate too much fuss to subscribe. This is for people to not be annoyed during the process of data supplication.

With that bunch of information, who can ever go wrong with the feat of building an opt-in list?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How to Make Money from Home No Scams 4 Me

If you are looking how to make money from home no scams, then this blog post is for you. It is not easy to start a new business venture and I would suggest investing your time in wisely in the research of these home opportunities before spending too much out of pocket.
There are tens of thousands of internet scams, and I know because I have been one who has been scammed. I just wanted to make money from home legit with out all the smoke and mirror tactics. It can be a little overwhelming at times with this.

Watch out for these sites that claim earning thousands the first week or in a day when just starting out. This is not realistic, not to say it has not been done or could not be done in time. But, not when people are just starting out with your new business.

Learning how to make money from home no scams is all we are looking for in this online world can be a challenge, to say the least. It would not be unreasonable for people who have been in the business for 2 or 3 years to be earning some significant income. The income earning they show are from their top earners who have been around for a few years and who have been working hard for a least a couple of those years. It is not terribly common to show income of those just starting out in the business.

There is no real magic Internet potion that enables anyone to earn sensational incomes overnight. There is also ways to make money from home free online but time is money so is it truly free. No real free lunch so we have been told, right?

When you find a Website offering how to make money from home no scams I would suggest spending some time going through some researching it before immediately parting with your hard earn money.

Have a look on the Website to be sure your make money from home legit or not by checking for their contact info like an email address, another website, social media and phone # the more contact info the better. I would suggest a short message expressing that you may have an interest in their business opportunity and see if you receive a response.

If their make money from home is legit they should have an opportunity to sign up for a free Newsletter. This will give people the chance to not only learn from what the newsletter has to offer, but also get a general feel for what kind of Internet opportunity they have, plus put you in touch with who is behind the other screen.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

What Is Viral Marketing & 6 Tips? 

What is viral marketing and six tips to help you start your campaign? First, let us look up the viral marketing definition. says:
“A direct marketing technique in which a company persuades internet users to forward its publicity material in e-mails (usually by including jokes, games, video clips, etc) a marketing strategy in which conventional media are eschewed in favor of various techniques designed to generate word-of-mouth publicity, in the hope of creating a fad or craze.”

Viral marketing example #
1. Purchase the branding rights to a viral E-book. Allow people to give away your free E-book to their visitors. Then, their visitors will also give it away. This will just continue to spread your ad all over the Internet.

2. If you have the ability to set up a forum or other bulletin board, you really have a great tool. Allow people to use your online discussion board for their own website. Some people don't have one. Just include your banner ad at the top of the board.

3. Do you have a knack for web design? Create some templates, graphics, etc. and upload them to your site. Then, allow people to give away your free web design graphics, fonts, templates, etc. Just include your ad on them or require people to link directly to your web site. Make sure that you include a link back to your site in the copyright notice and require them to keep your copyright notice in tact.

Okay what is viral marketing and your next 3 tips? Here is another viral marketing definition at
“A marketing strategy that focuses on spreading information and opinions about a product or service from person to person, especially by using unconventional means such as the Internet or e-mail: Which online social networks can help with viral marketing?”

4. Write an E-book. Allow people to place an advertisement in your free E-book if, in exchange, they give away the E-book to their web visitors or Ezine subscribers.

5. Write articles that pertain to your product or service. Allow people to reprint your articles on their website, in their Ezine, newsletter, magazine or E-books. Include your resource box and the option for article reprints at the bottom of each article.

6. You can easily find products on the Internet that will sell you a license allowing you to distribute the product free of charge to other people. Look for those products that provide "branding rights". That is where you can include your own name, website, and contact information.

I hope that you learned a little about what is viral marketing along with viral marketing definitions? For me, it was best to get the real meaning through the viral marketing examples.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Protandim And PubMed With 8 Free Amazing Studies
by Je Sudds

Finally, no boring information about another PubMed and Protandim review, just 8 amazing reasons that you will discover if this program is worth plugging into or not? Enjoy!

A grand way to check into what kind of progress this company is doing with their products, anyone can look into PubMed and Protandim to see what their growth and research is all about. PubMed has these publish peer review studies and is a government agency. It is nice to know that it is free to use this site. There are over 19,700,000 citation studies to look into that are endless.

Protandim is not that well known, even though it has been studied over 40 years and was invented by Dr. Joe McCord. It is going through 20 studies at this present time from 20 different Universities around the world. PubMed with Protandim has over 8 peer reviews posted from major Universities from around the world, which anyone can review.

Dr. McCord is in the field of free radical biochemistry. He holds an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Buenos Aires and has served as Honorary President of the International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH) and as Chairman of the Third International Conference on Superoxide Dismutases at the Institute Pasteur. Dr. McCord is a past recipient of the Elliott Cresson Medal, the Discovery Award from the Society for Free Radical Dr. Joe McCord has a plethora of awards and honors for his research and discoveries in Biology and Medicine (SFRBM), [3] and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Oxygen Society.

Studies have shown Protandim is a product that unlocks enzymes in our body that fights and destroys antioxidants like nothing that have been research before. Other studies are saying that it has the antioxidant equivalent of drinking 87 glasses of red wine or eating 365 oranges in a day. PubMed and Protandim can be look into on the PubMed website. People can type in Protandim or look up oxidative stress, which is related to all human disease.

There is mounting huge awareness with many scientific studies and world renown Universities from around the world with Oxidative stress and Protandim. Just below are eight of the studies (in short) found on PubMed with Protandim! Anyone can plug into the website for the full reports.

1. Oxidative Stress Study.

2. Glutathione Study.

3. (L.S.U.) Skin Cancer Study.

4. Study on Muscular Dystrophy.

5. Study on Chemo-Preventive.

6. (O.S.U.) Bypass Graft Study.

7. (L.S.U.) Chemo-Preventive Study.

8. Heart Disease Study.

PubMed and Protandim are a tremendous tool for building your understanding of the importance of Protandim on oxidative stress or anything else people want to look up.

Go to and search for that term, "Oxidative Stress" You'll find over 88,000 documents that mention it. There's a search feature that allows you limit which types of results you get. (For example, you'll find that there are over 2,600 clinical trials on Oxidative Stress).

Take this search one step further by adding any disease behind Oxidative Stress in the search bar on PubMed like diabetes (example Oxidative Stress Diabetes). You may want to choose an aliment or disease that a loved one has or is in the family gene pool.

When people search for Protandim they will find at least eight peer-review studies that are publish on this PubMed website.

People will be shocked! One of the main reasons humans age is due to Oxidative Stress and the harm it does to our cells. I am now finding out that Protandim reduces oxidative stress by 40% to 70%; this could mean a healthier and happier life for myself and loved ones.

The understanding of Oxidative Stress as a key element in the accepting of disease and aging is "the next gigantic thing" in medical research.

You would need to consume the antioxidants found in 375 oranges, 87 glasses of red wine or 120 vitamin C (500mg) a day to neutralize the amount of free radicals your body produces every day. Or take 1 Protandim Tablet. This is the only product clinically proven to reduce the effects of Oxidative stress. Protandim provides you with thousands of times more antioxidant power than any food or conventional supplement.     

Monday, June 18, 2012

Work from Home & 5 Basic Tips (Affiliate Marketing)

Many people benefit from a work from home business. Today, many more would like to hop on board to earn money online and avoid being stuck in a nine-to-five job.

One way to due this is by being an affiliate marketer. Which brings many benefits, namely you are your own boss and you can manage your own time. This means that you can set your work hours and adjust them to suit  your personal life. You can spend more time with your family or kids. You don’t have to drive to work everyday. You set the targets of what you want to earn from your affiliate business, and you simply go for it!

Although having your own work from home affiliate marketing business has many benefits, it also requires a lot of discipline and organizational skills so that you can plan your time properly. There can be many distractions at home, and you must make sure that each day you do what you need to do grow your business.

This article outlines five basic tips that you can use as a work-from-home affiliate marketer so that you can manage your time effectively and have enough time to expand your business and earn huge affiliate commissions.

1. Set the hours that you will be working everyday and stick to them. Affiliate marketing involves a lot of work especially when you are still starting to build your business. It is therefore important that you allocate enough time everyday to work on your affiliate marketing business. While working at home, many things can happen that can take you away from your work, but you must exercise a lot of discipline so that you do not neglect your business.

2. Have your own office where you can work without any interruptions. Although the benefit of working from home is that you can work in your pajamas anyway you want, it is recommended that you have an office where  you can organize your work and be able to work in peace and quiet without any disturbances. Having a suitable work from home environment will increase your productivity.

3. Have the necessary tools. Obviously, to succeed as an online entrepreneur you need the necessary tools. This includes your own computer, printer and fast internet connection. If you handle your affiliate marketing business professionally, you will succeed in making money online.

4. Do not neglect your health. Most affiliate markets are driven to succeed quickly. As a result they can work long hours during the day and night to grow their business and start to earn big commissions. It is important for you to take a break, exercise and get enough rest.

5. Get a mentor and interact with other affiliate markets. Depending on your experience in internet marketing, interacting with other marketers can help you learn some tips that you can use to grow your work from home business.

Looking for a simple, proven and predictable online income generating system then go here so You Can Fire Your Boss! How about doing this all without having your own products or even having to sell them! Then I suggest checking out  Sudds Site!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Cheap Web Site Traffic

Every online company knows that without traffic to their site, they go broke, quickly.  There are many ways to get cheap web site traffic.  One way is pay per click advertising, where you pay per click through to your site, but you do not know if the customer is going to purchase your product, so you do lose some money with that.  Another way is to request links from other relevant, high traffic sites.  Links to other well established sites is like personal recommendations, where you establish credibility fast, which increases the chances that they will buy your product.  You must be persistent enough with some sites, though.  You want to download the alexa toolbar, which gives you information about a website, such as traffic rating, ranking, contact info, site stats, related links, etc.

You can get free advertising by giving away free expert content to relevant sites itching for some new, fresh content.  Web site owners are always looking for fresh content.  Make sure you write a bit about the author and your web site or product.  As long as it is not competing with theirs, they will not mind. You can post on a few of these sites and a couple of other have some free info about how to generate free leads and advertising, just have to watch a little 3 min video first.

You can become an active expert in a newsgroup that is industry related.  A newsgroup is an online forum where people share information and common interests.  When you post, you are literally talking to your potential customers.  These people do not want to be sold something; they want information from gurus, about the topic they are interested in.  Make sure you have a sig file, or signature and start establishing relationships and prove your expertise.  Stay with newsgroups that do not accept advertisements.  This is also a great way to gather feedback from your website, straight from the horses’ mouth.  You can reinvent it if you need to and fix it accordingly.  When you post informative articles, people will begin to look forward to your posts, and eventually you may want to direct these people to your brand new newsletter.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Extra Income from Home

It seems many families are in direr need of extra income from home, which could be ideal when raising a family and not mention not having to shell out for gas to commute to and from work.

Every entrepreneur, to achieve any amount of success should be motivated. Motivation comes from passion. Every book published or e-book that deals in money making and motivation screams passion – the most important ingredient in any successful entrepreneur.

Similarly, when you think about going after that extra income from home, you have to create a burning passion to do so if you are working for yourself. It will keep your fire glowing for a long time, at least till the first results become apparent. After that passion at a particular level keeps in rotation, after all money is the biggest motivator.

An entrepreneur embarking upon the route of home office and extra income should strongly believe in themselves and his capabilities. He/ She should be thick skinned not to be perturbed or affected in any way by others comments and opinions. People can be jealous of others success. Clear conscience and belief in oneself does not seek external approval. Evidence enough that, once you are successful and start earning extra income, the negative opinions and nasty comments turn into praise. One should have the ability and courage to make independent decisions and abide by them. This would be your most valuable asset yet.

People need to keep an open eye for online businesses scams. Your online business needs your approval heart and soul; otherwise success will keep eluding you and so will the extra income from home you planned from it. If Edison did not believe, that electricity can be harnessed to light up human life; we would still be living in the dark ages, wouldn’t we?

Being flexible with working hours, being energetic, planning wisely, focusing on short-term objectives and stress control are hallmarks of a successful home business owner. If you think you lack in any of them, practice till you make these attributes a part of your involuntary senses.

Discipline to start, is very important but to know where to stop is more important. Do not overwork or stress upon yourself to the point of not stopping. It will only burn out your imagination and render you useless for some time to come. Making short time extra income, you will lose out on the next few dollars (ex: Burning out today may earn you $1000 today, but by not working for the next 3 days you will lose $500 X 3 = $1500). Work the number of hours as per the plan you carefully laid out.

Building your business is more important than earning mediate income out of it right now. As your business sustains and grows, the money you earn from it automatically grows. If you treat your extra home income as a hobby you very well may end up being paid like it also.

Knowledge earned does not cost a cent here, but will help in decision making in all spheres of independent life. Remember the 80-20 rule, which is spending 80% doing and 20% learning.

Last but not the least, fear of failure and not failure itself leads to most failures. Keep trying, look at failure as a part of learning and appreciate your benefit of knowledge from it. Learn from your mistakes, a lesson we have learnt in primary school and use this with your extra income from home and you will prosper.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Baby Boomers Retiring

It seems almost absurd for baby boomers to think about retiring as the next stop in their long and eventful lives.  But the absurd has become a reality.  As the baby boomer generation moves ever more towards their golden years, that specter of retirement looms ever closer.  So it’s natural and appropriate to sit back and review exactly what that means to each of us.

For many, the traditional attitude toward retirement has been one of joy.  The concept of laying down your worries and bringing your work life to a comfortable end is something to look forward to.  The image of a life of sleeping late, golfing as much as you wish, taking up two or three hobbies and living a life of leisure is an idyllic vision in our minds for sure. 

But the reality of baby boomers retiring can also be a source of anxiety and fear.  If the baby boomer who approaches that threshold is not financially prepared or the affairs and concerns of their work lives are not ready to be set aside, the idea of having go retire simply due to age seems to be a harsh and an unpleasant prospect.  In both of these visions of a future retirement, we are probably working under as much myth as we are reality about what it will be like to retire.  But one thing baby boomers are good at is debunking myths and defying conventional wisdom and defining each era of their lives in their own terms.

We can expect the same as baby boomers move into retirement.  This is a generation that did not have the benefit of employers who were loyal to employees and kept the same staff from college through their retirement party and from whom they could expect a hefty retirement package.  But boomers are not the kind of generation that lets things sneak up on them.  Working with such excellent organizations as AARP, there are resources and options baby boomers can tap into to create a secure financial future despite the lack of participation by past employers.

But as with all other phases of life however, financialsecurity is not what makes life worthwhile all by itself.  And as baby boomers see retiring coming at their next stop, another myth that has to go is that retirement is the end of the productive part of life.  This image of living a life of leisure, never working and letting others take care of us is not necessarily a healthy approach to retirement any more than it would be at any other phase of life. 

Human beings are at their best when they are useful, creative, productive and pursuing a dream.  It has been shown time and time again that when a senior citizen can no longer be part of something larger than themselves and see themselves as productive in life, their will to live declines with the inevitable result of an end of life that is earlier than it has to be.  So the financial demand that some baby boomers face that they may have to work on into what is considered to be the “retirement years” may have a hidden blessing of extending their lives in a healthy way because these will the baby boomers retiring who know they must stay fit and active because, just like always, they have to get up and go to work.

For those who do lay down their labors at retirement age, second careers are often a great way for aging baby boomers to not only create a second revenue stream but to pursue a career path that had always been a dream in life.  Another alternative as well for staying active and useful in retirement is to become passionate about a cause in life that has always been important to you. 

Baby boomers have always been a people driven by causes.  So what better way for baby boomers retiring to use their time to become activists and make a difference in the world, just as they did in their youth?  The world will be a better place for their involvement and the retired baby boomer will live a happier senior life as well.

Monday, June 11, 2012

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Do you have intense feelings of discomfort and fear when in social situations? You may have social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder affects millions of people around the world and varies greatly from person to person. However, it is important to know that if you find social settings unbearable, you can get help. A doctor will be able to help you treat your social anxiety disorder so that you can live a normal life instead of being paralyzed by fear.

It’s hard to pin down the exact symptoms of social anxiety disorder, which is why seeing your doctor is so important. However, some common signs that you may have this disorder include a number of fears. Do you commonly fear social situations? You should see your doctor if your fears reflect the following: fear that all attention is on you, fear of making mistakes, fear of judgment, fear that everyone is better than you, fear of humiliating yourself, or fear that everyone sees your flaws. These fears may or may not cause panic attacks, but always cause intense anxiety. Anxiety may lead to shaking, a pounding heart, blushing, sweating, stammering, nausea, and dizziness.

Shyness is not the same as social anxiety disorder. While you may feel shy in certain situations, social anxiety disorder is physically debilitating to a person experiencing it. In fact, social anxiety disorder may take over a person’s life if left untreated. This disorder usually starts from childhood or early adulthood and can affect everyone, regardless of race, religion, or gender, although women are more likely to develop this disorder than men.

Social anxiety disorder is often found in conjunction with other anxiety disorders. It is also common for a person with social anxiety disorder to try to treat it using drugs or alcohol, which will in turn lead to substance abuse. The best and only way to treat social anxiety disorder is to see your doctor. Therapy and medication can help you work through this disorder so that you can live a healthy and socially active life. Cognitive-behavioral therapy will help you grip your disorder so that you can learn how to make yourself calm down and have less fear in social situations. Medications can be short or long term is can work to block certain inhibitors. Together, you can your doctor can find the perfect treatment for you so that you can take back control of your life. You may have to live with social anxiety disorder for the rest of your life, but it does not have to stop you from being happy. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

4 Reasons Why You Should Buy a Home Air Purifier

If you use the internet, read magazines, or watch television, there is a good chance that you have heard of air purifiers before.  This is due in part to the fact that air purifiers have increased in popularity over the past few years.  Despite the increase in popularity, you may be wondering if you really need to buy an air purifier.  Even if you do not really need to have one, there are still a number of benefits to making a purchase.  In fact, four reasons why you should buy an air purifier are outlined below.

1 – Air Purifiers Produce Clean Air

Air purifiers are designed to clean the air by removing harmful toxins and other pollutants.  These pollutants, if left in the air, can be dangerous.  For example, cigarette smoke that lingers in the air has a number of dangers, including an increased risk of lung cancer.  An air purifier can help to keep a home’s air clean.

As sited as an example above, many air purifiers eliminate harmful and potentially dangerous toxins and pollutants from secondhand cigarette smoke.  Did you know though that there is so much more that air purifiers can clean as well?  Air purifiers also clean pollen, mold and mildew, and animal dander.

2 – Air Purifiers Make Your Home More Healthy

As it was previously stated, air purifiers work to capture and eliminate many harmful pollutants and toxins from the air, including pet dander, secondhand tobacco smoke, pollen, mold, and mildew.  The presence of these harmful and potentially dangerous toxins and pollutants can make a home a dangerous place to be.  For example, pet dander can be dangerous for those who have pet allergies.  As for secondhand tobacco smoke, it is dangerous for everyone.

In addition to making your home much healthier, air purifiers can also make your home a happier place to be, for all residents and even guests.  In fact, that is another one of the many reasons why you should buy an air purifier for your home.

3 – Air Purifiers Help Those with Allergies and Asthma

As previously stated, there are many toxins and pollutants that fill most homes.  In fact, did you know that some homes have more pollutants indoors than there is outdoors?  This is true in many cases, largely due to the fact that are windows are closed in the summertime due to the use of air conditioners and they are closed in the wintertime due to coldness.  This doesn’t allow much opportunity for fresh air to enter the home or for polluted air to leave. 

Long-term exposure to household pollutants and toxins isn’t good for anyone, but it can be harmful or even deadly for those suffering from a number of medical conditions.  Two of these conditions include allergies or asthma.  If you suffer from asthma or allergies or if you have a family member who does, you are encouraged to use air purifiers as a way to seek relief.

4 – Air Purifiers Are Easy to Find and Buy

As it was previously stated, air purifiers have increased in popularity.  This is because many individuals are becoming more concerned with their health and many see air purifiers as a step in the right direction.  This means that there are more air purifiers for sale and more retailers are starting to offer them for sale.  In addition to having a number of air purifier makes and models to choose from, you also have a number of purchase points to choose from.  Air purifiers are sold online, at local home improvement stores, as well as in many department stores.

As you can see, there are a number of benefits to buying and using an air purifier in your home.  Four of those reasons where outlined above.  As a reminder, you have a number of different air purifiers to choose from, so be sure to read ratings and reviews online. This can help to ensure that you choose the air purifier that is best for you and your needs.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stiforp Review (3 Amazing Reasons)

 Finally, no boring information about another Stiforp review, just 3 amazing reasons that you will discover if this program is worth plugging into or not? Enjoy! This Stiforp review is not your typical multi level marketing program or company.

Most MLM want at least one hundred dollars a month, for some autoship they would like people to plug into just to stay current and maybe get paid. I am here to give to everyone straight about what Stiforp is all about.

 Many MLM companies lack teaching and training techniques that are why most newbie's struggle to make it work in that industry. What Stiforp does do is help teaches all members how to market any primary business and make some decent enough money. Most new people genuinely do not understand how to market a down line business, or what it takes to start that heavy ball rolling in the MLM world. It can take a little time when people first start to collect that residual income. That maybe why most companies try to pump us up with all this hype to all their distributors, in order get more out of people money wise and sales wise.

 Stiforp claims it does not need to do that in order for people to succeed with them in any MLM company. Okay, and then let's look into this Stiforp review a little deeper now. More and more people are going online to buy and look things up than ever before. The yellow pages are a thing of the past. That means that more business is less likely to advertise in the yellow pages. When people can just type in exactly what they are searching to find in just seconds with a click of the mouse.

That would make this a perfect time to be marketing online, and that is what Stiforp teaches everyone to do. Here, is why! Stiforp is the least inexpensive place that anyone can learn how to market any business online. I did do a search and found a few companies online that provide the same features that cost anywhere from $50.00 - $200 for training per month! So many people are on a tight budget do not have the money to spend. I have come to find out in this Stiforp review is that they make it so affordable! It cost $9.99 per month with a $40 one time start-up fee.

I truly believe you will no way find that anywhere, look around and you will see too. 1. Amazing reason is so affordable for everyone - At $9.99 a month for training, this is something all people can afford without draining their bank account. 2. Everyone gets powerful tools - People have some impressive tools to choose from like a pre-set autoresponder, squeeze pages for collecting leads, Flash Movie presentations, video spokesperson on your website, contact manager, traffic rotator and so much more.

With over $3,000 in tools and training to use, they have you covered. 3. This is my favorite amazing reason. Is that you can make some good money with this program. Stiforp has extensive payment system set up to all that join; people can potentially make up to $2,047.50 per month without ever enrolling one single person. Now, that is what blew me away with this Stiforp review. They put everyone in this 2 x 14 matrix, and then there is this spillover people can make some pretty sweet money without ever signing another person in your downline. This is like nothing I have ever seen before, and the company is just gaining enormous momentum.

 Internet marketing is a lot like the gold rush day's way back in (1848-1855) and let me tell you why. An extremely intriguing fact that back in the Yukon and California Gold Rush, people who profited the MOST money were those who were selling mining tools, NOT the miners.

 Note: If you are Looking for an Honest, Ethical and Legitimate Opportunity to Generate a Full Time or Part Time Income from Home, Click Here. Free Training, Free Education and Thousands Dollars worth of Awesome Tools, Visit  today!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fundamentals of aikido

Aikido is martial arts that resulted from the combination of several disciplines. It was created by Ueshiba sometime in the 1940s. It was the result of Ueshiba’s search for a technique that provided him with contentment not only in the technical sense but also in the spiritual end.

Aikido comes from the three Japanese words, ai-ki-do, which means joining, spirit, and way respectively. In essence, aikido is a martial arts form that focuses on the joining of the spirit and the body and the mind to find the Way.

Aikido has many techniques and moves. Its basic structure comes from the throws and locks found in jujitsu and also from the movements that experts do when they are fighting with swords and spears.

Fundamental Techniques of aikido
Let’s look at the different fundamental movements of this martial arts.
This is the first technique in aikido, where control is achieved by the use of the hand on the elbow and one near the wrist. This is the grip that is also that can apply pressure into the ulnar, which can be found in the medial portion of the arm.

This is the second of the techniques, which is characterized by an adductive wristlock that twists the arm and then applies pressure in the nerve that can be really painful.

This is the third technique that incorporates a pronating move. It directs an upward tension all through the arm, the elbow and the shoulder.

The fourth installment in the fundamental movements of aikido, yonkyo uses a shoulder control movement similar to a ikkyo but this time there is no gripping of the forearm. Instead, the knuckles apply pressure on the radial nerve

The fifth technique is actually a variant of ikkyo. This time the hand gripping the wrist is inverted and twisted.

Aikido protective moves
Here are some of the moves that you can use in order to disarm your opponent.

Kotogaeshi – this is what is called in the English as the wrist return. In this move, the practitioner will place a wristlock and throw that will stretch up to the extensor digitorum

Iriminage – called the entering-body throw, here the practitioner or the nage will move into the space where the uke or the opponent is. This classic move resembles the clothesline technique.

Kokyunage – this is the breath throw, a term that refers to the various types of “timing throws.”

Koshinage – this move is aikido’s version of the hip throw where in the person will drop his hips a little lower than the opponent or the uke.  He will then flip the opponent with a resultant fulcrum.

Tenchinage – Called the heaven and earth throw because of the levels that the hands will reach. The uke or the practitioner will grab both wrists and then moves forwardm grabbing the hand low and the other high. This unbalances the uke, which will cause him or her to topple over.

Shihonage- this is the four-direction throw, wherein the hand is folded back past the shoulders  and then afterwards locking the joints in the shoulder

Kaitennage- called the rotation throw, in kaitennage, the practitioner or the nage will move the arm backwards until the shoulder joints are locked. He will then use this position to add pressure.

Jujinage- this is the throw that is characterized by a throw that locks the arms together. This is called shape like a 10 throw because of its cross-shape, which looks like 10 in kanji.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

by JE Sudds

MyPIP is not about me pimping with my lady friends running a muck around about on the streets wanting your greenbacks in our pockets. On the other hand, there is a parallel with that sentence when talking about these so called online Internet Gurus claims.

I have to be candid that I am so tired of the entire online BS about making $1,000s a day or by tonight, from these blood sucking internet clowns. Most of these Internet Gurus clowns have not even tried the products or services that they try selling to the Internet public. It was time for me to move away from all the Gurus Smoke and Mirror tactics.

Is MyPIP part of the online Guru scene? I should not judge, and I just would like to give people some honest informative so they could make their own educated decision. Paul Birdsall is one of the founders of My Partner in Profit or MyPIP back in August or 2011. The vision was and still is to create momentous cash streams from people who may not have a primary internet business. But, for those that do have a primary internet business may like to piggy back of his franchise system.

This is the same system that Mr. Birdsall used when he first started his Internet endeavors over a decade ago, plus or minus a little tweaking from learning over the years. It is about learning from other who have been there done that plus have learned from their mistakes and willing to pass that on to others.

Most online Internet businesses fail due to lack of education in knowledge of where to focus most of their energy in what directions. Part of the failure is due to the wrong message to the wrong people. Successful marketing is getting the right message in front of the right type of people. Many successful business minds know this like Steve Jobs (deceased Apple founder) and people like Bill Gates. Paul Birdsall knows this and the My Partner in Profit systems are designed to get the right message in front of thousands of people looking for that info right now.

MyPiP systems are free to join and remain free for as long as one likes. Inside the back office, when you have registered for a free account, are videos and step-by-step lessons on a variety of high impact marketing methods that are either free or exceptionally low cost?

The result when one follows the suggested lessons is a continual list of prospects that join My Partner in Profit in order to access this same valuable information. Additionally once a person sees success in the leads that they generate they will also see cash flow from the affiliate sites, as well. A few of these affiliate sites are 100% free to join, and when others join through this system, the MyPIP affiliate can make commissions.

These affiliate sites and tools are carefully selected for the best value, and Paul has carefully explained each step and each tool so well that rarely does one need additional support. In case, there is a question about any step in the My Partner in Profit system, there is a private Facebook support group that is free to join, as well. To date there are over thousands of members in the Facebook group alone and 10's of thousands of MyPiP affiliates over the entire globe.

Since August of 2011, when he created what is known as the My Partner in Profit Classic system, Paul has introduced two more versions called MyPiP Express and MyPiP Challenge.

The MyPiP Classic is the full featured global system with all the training and resources one would ever need. The MyPiP Express is a simplified global system designed more for new online marketers and the MyPiP Challenge is designed for online marketers only in the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom.

I would suggest receiving more complete info the rest of your research. By having people evaluate the free videos that are presented clearly by checking out My Partner in Profit sites or "MyPiP." Considering how each system is free and there is no risk for anybody getting started.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Empower Network Scam And A Few Things People Should Look Into First
by Je Sudds

Is Empower network a scam or could it be a legitimate networking system? Many people think of network marketing (M.L.M. or Multi Level Marketing) as being a scam, no matter what they are marketing or could provide for the consumer.

This could not be further from the truth, for the most part because there are legit network marketers out there. We all know that some are scams and we would want to know about them before we dive into their program. This is a valid reason why people need to be careful about whom they sign up with on the internet. Below are 4 things to look into with this Empower network scam article, to see if they are the real deal or not.

1.Look into the compensation plan and see how much money and what they offer. Many diverse plans out there and not all are equal. Getting to understand the comp plan before joining into any network marketing company. The quality of the service or product is as important if not more then the how high the commission is, if they have both that makes my decision that much easier. A red flag would be when a network or affiliate marketer tells us that they have a push button get wealthy systems, to make them massive amounts of money, and then I know that they are a total scam.

2.What are there products or services like? Is it a quality product or just something that was thrown together so that it looked to be a decent product? People need to be able to feel good about the product or service that you will be involved with. This is extremely powerful because when the product or service isn't good, people will never make any money because we all want useful things not worthless ones.

3.Are other people writing things about Empower Network scam or has it been positive reviews? This of course could be done with any network or affiliate marketing program people are interested in. Blogs and forums are good to check out and see what kind of stuff people are saying or experience with them. After this point you will start to get a pretty good idea of what is a scam or what has promise

4.Research and information can be king, when it comes to finding out what a company is all about. If they have been around for a little while people could look them up with the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints have reported about them. The more knowledge we have the better chance at making that sound and educated business decision. The programs that are scams usually are not around for long, but it is too long if they get a hold of your money before they get closed down.

It never hurts to peek into any business opportunity before we hop on board. Information can always help us feel more secure with our conclusion good or bad. The study and statistics I have come across has me believing that Empower Network is no scam.

At this point they look to have a distinctive network and affiliate marking opportunity all wrap up in one program.

Looking to find a way to get 100% Financial Freedom? Then go to Sudds Partner In Profit. Find out how this is done with no experience and for Free . Check it out by going here  now!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Tradition of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a form of medicine that happens to involve the insertions of little needles. You will find that the acupuncture is a practice that began in China and can be traced back through history over eight thousands years. It can be found in areas of Asia, Japan, and Korea. Recently it can be recognized as legitimate forms of medication in the western world and especially in the United States. You will find that more and more doctors are recommending acupuncture to help with certain pains and issues, but it is mixed with modern medicine.  It is very important to understand the tradition.

Traditionally, the Chinese saw the body as a whole with several different working energy systems, run by the organs of our bodies. At one time, disease was seen as a disruption in the body system due to a particular part of the system. The vital energy that runs through our bodies is known in acupuncture as “qi” and is what acupuncturists seek to heal through their work. Qi (the energy flow) is blocked by pain, and acupuncture was said to once again unblock it. From the history of things, acupuncturists claim, “no pain, no blockage; no blockage no pain.  This means that your pain and blockage go hand and hand and if you can end the pain, the blockage will go away, and if you end the blockage your pain will go away.

Major success of reception into society was first found with acupuncture during the Huang Di (The Yellow Emperor) Dynasty. It was at this time that the ruler discussed medical traditions with his doctor. These dialogues became part of what we now know as The Nei Jing, and it is the earliest medical text found in Asia. It includes two sections—the first on anatomy, disease, diagnosis, and the cosmos and the second on the aspects of acupuncture. Great development in the acupuncture field was also seen in the 7th century AD, with the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It was at this time that acupuncture charts and texts were introduced to the teachings of schools as a form of medicine. The techniques were slowly refined, and during the Ming Dynasty, in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, doctors again made leaps and bounds in the field. Later it became less important with western medicine in the early twentieth century.

When it comes to the tradition of acupuncture it prevailed in the 1950’s and become a part of western medicine. The doctors used it along with modern medicine. Between the 1950s and 1960s the practice was begin highly researched throughout the world. With the new millennium, acupuncture has become something of accepting by western medicine and is offered as a treatment. It has been concluded that acupuncture can be used to help others in a respect of modern medicine. Some people are wary of ideas that involves needles to prick away illness or disease, but it may be something that you maybe able to have in conjunction of modern medicine.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Panic Disorders: Are They Real?

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard of people having a panic attack and someone saying that they just wanted attention. Nothing could be farther from the truth. While a panic attack is not the same as some traditional medical conditions, it is both a mental and physical disorder that must be taken very seriously. If you suffer from panic attacks, see a doctor immediately to get you condition under control.

As classified by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), panic disorders are technically under the umbrella of anxiety disorders. Other anxiety disorders include social phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and agoraphobia, among other conditions. Over 20 million people in the United States alone suffer some kind of anxiety disorder or another.

Panic disorder is characterized by reoccurring panic attacks that often happen spontaneously and unexpectedly. A panic attack is an intense feeling of irrational fear that lasts over a period of time. Some symptoms of a panic attack may or may not include a pounding heart, chest pains, sweating, difficulty breathing, the fear of going crazy, shaking, cold or hot flashed, the choking sensation, and nausea. One panic attack doe not mean you should be diagnosed with panic disorder, but if this condition occurs a number of times and interrupts your life, you should see a doctor immediately.

Most people experience the unpleasantness of a panic attack at some point or other in their lives. While this may be a scary experience, you should generally not be concerned unless the month following the panic attack leads to constant worry about have another panic attack, constant worry about a condition that could be related to the attack, or major changes in your lifestyle.

When you have a panic attack, even for the first time, see a doctor. Try to clearly think about the symptoms you’ve experienced and note the time and length of the attack. This information will help your doctor find the best treatment options available for you. Often, panic attacks occur simultaneously with other anxiety disorders, so being clear about your experiences will help your doctor to understand your experiences.

Remember, panic attacks are real. While there may be a few cases where people pretend to have attacks to get attention or for other reasons, this is not the norm. If someone around you is experiencing a panic attack, offer your help and call a doctor immediately to get help for the person.

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