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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Does ViSalus Work?

I am here to help people look into the big question does ViSalus work? That is a reasonable question to ask and to have answered. We will always have skeptical people, and I am one until I see the results for myself. What may work for one individual may not for another? We get out of things what we put into it, how bad do we want something is what it boils down too. But does it work if we commit to this shake gig?

I would prefer not give up on my meals and go on a liquid diet, not unless I get the proper nutrition and can eat something with some substance in-between these ViSalus Shakes. I think many of us could stand to loss a few lbs. All most all of us could totally benefit from cleaner and learner diet. The facts are out on what kind of shape the American people are in: The “A.M.A” American Medical Association tells us that 7 out of 10 American people are over weight and 3 out of 10 are considered obese. That is not a GQ or Playboy sexy image in my mind. Enough of these depressing stats!

Let us move on a positive note with this and get some good momentum forward on the issue of does ViSalus work? When I see people plug into the 90 day challenge from the Body by Vi, I have seen some impressive progress and results. From what I have seen they have a unique program with a creditable support. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. With that in mind, I have seen some impressive before and after shots.

I never really had to struggle with my weight. But, many people do, and I would love to see people with a healthier life style. Sure, I could stand to lose 5-10 pounds, but can and does Visalus work? I definitely could start to make healthier choices throughout my day. I decided to replace one meal (lunch) with a ViSalus meal replacement shake, to find out if ViSalus really does work. I did not drink the same shake every day as there are hundreds of shake recipes. That allowed me to customize my shake. (For more recipes & info go to To my surprise, the shake actually kept me full for about 4-5 hours. Making this one small change, allowed me to lose 10 pounds in a month, for optimal weight loss, consuming 2 shakes a day is recommended. Does Visalus Work- it certainly has work for me and many other.

Check out this weight loss presentation when you click on this link at the bottom. This little video on the next page will show you how I lost pounds and pounds of stubborn fat, and serious inches off my waist in less than an hour a week, while my wife lost even more than I did, and several dress sizes while enjoying yummy fat burning foods throughout the day! You'll be pleased to know this isn't any type of gimmick... these are REAL techniques with healthy nutrition that fights your junk food cravings, unique brief full-body moves that ignite your body's natural fat burning abilities, and the lifestyle and mindset tricks you need to stay lean, strong and healthy for life. You're going to want to watch the entire presentation to see exactly how we made our inspirational transformations, how thousands are simply copying our plan, and how you can do the same. Don't forget! Watch the entire presentation, because you will be surprised!
For The Fat Burning Furnace info Click Here!

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