Stiforp Profits

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

 ViSalus Shake Ingredients  (Fast Food Made Good)

Taking a ViSalus Shake as fast food is by far better than those we have all driven through. I know the idea is to get our food fast "in and out" but it is hardly fast out of our bodies. We end up wearing it around our waist for way too long.

Cutting calories while getting proper nutrition can be hard, expensive, and time consuming. ViSalus Shake Ingredients offers you a fast "ideal meal" that can save you money while providing amazing nutrition.

To make a meal, mix 2 rounded scoops of ViSalus Shake Ingredients into non-fat milk or soy milk and blend. Mix with water for a protein snack. For added flavor and nutrition, you can also blend in fresh, frozen or canned fruits. Try our Shape-Up™ Health Flavor mix-ins for more added nutrition.

The ViSalus Shake Ingredients is my fast food of choice and many others, here's why.

1. A unique, concentrated and absorb able blend of proteins processed
to remove fat, lactose, carbohydrates and isoflavones to provide pure,
Concentrated protein. When mixed with milk or soy milk, ViSalus Shake Ingredients, provide 20-22
Grams of protein, the right mix to burn fat and build lean muscle.

2. Low sodium. Lower than other brands!

3. Contains a serving of whole milk, for bone healthy calcium.

4. Contains a full serving of fruit or vegetable fiber, without gas.

5. Contains digestive aids and enzymes, including prebiotic activity for
maximum nutrition absorption.

6. Smells and tastes like cake mix! No grit! No metallic after taste.

What Else Is In ViSalus Shake Ingredients?

1. A unique blend of proteins that work quickly and provide long–lasting nutrition to help you burn fat and build lean muscle.

2. Heart healthy non-GMO soy protein. (No Isoflavones)

3. Fibersol™, a new patented fiber blend that helps keep you feeling full, providing benefits of fiber without gas that can be caused by other types of fiber.

4. Aminogen™to help your body maximize protein and nutrient absorption.

5. 23 Vitamins and minerals, along with other ingredients that help you burn fat.

Check out this weight loss presentation when you click on this link at the bottom. This little video on the next page will show you how I lost pounds and pounds of stubborn fat, and serious inches off my waist in less than an hour a week, while my wife lost even more than I did, and several dress sizes while enjoying yummy fat burning foods throughout the day! You'll be pleased to know this isn't any type of gimmick... these are REAL techniques with healthy nutrition that fights your junk food cravings, unique brief full-body moves that ignite your body's natural fat burning abilities, and the lifestyle and mindset tricks you need to stay lean, strong and healthy for life. You're going to want to watch the entire presentation to see exactly how we made our inspirational transformations, how thousands are simply copying our plan, and how you can do the same. Don't forget! Watch the entire presentation, because you will be surprised!
For The Fat Burning Furnace info Click Here!

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