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Friday, March 23, 2012

ViSalus Complaints “Best get the Dirt First”

The dirt on ViSalus complaints, is there any?  Let me tell you that Visalus has dirt on them but who doesn’t. Even the people writing the dirt have dirt on them or are trying to redirect your attention to their site or product. Is there, any company out there that is perfect, I think not and I guess it depends whose eyes is looking at the company. Even the happiest place on Earth has dirt on them, yes even Disneyland, right?

Most people try to make the most of our jobs and put the best foot forward. It has to be the proper fit on both ends, right product, for the right person. We also should have a passion to help other with their goal. May it be weight loss, weight gain, high blood pressure, better over all health or time freedom and financial freedom just to mention a few. There are negative people out in this world today, like they say you are who you hang around with. I would like to see my glass half full and some others would rather look at the glass half empty, to each their own.

I have read a ViSalus complaint or two; one said that ViSalus people are in it make a quick buck. This person went on to say, I believe this to be true of 99% of all MLM. Anyone in Network marketing or as this gentlemen say MLM knows that there is no quick buck, you have to nurture your business and in time you will make an income, some faster then other it all depends on the individual.

The question is this product or program right for you? ViSalus is a health and wellness company they have been around for a little over seven years now. The CEO is Ryan Blair who has led ViSalus to an impressive 1,200% growth in 3 years. Ryan has been featured on Business Week, MSNBC, CNBC, Time Magazine, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal and Forbes magazine. One reason is that ViSalus has a very strong network marketing team with decades experience people in the industry from Mary Kay, Herbalife and Amway. I’m sure that someone would complain about the 1,200% growth rate too. I think there will be Visalus complaints no matter what; they will always be complainers in this world.

Visalus has a mission to combine the passion of health and entrepreneurship to as many people as humanly possible; they are a company based on life, health, and prosperity. Visalus Sciences was put together buy 3 individuals who have amazing track records Ryan Blair who is all about giving back to people who are in need, then they have Blake Mallen and Nick Sarnicola who represent the business aspect of the company, they bring in the training coaching and pretty much everything you need to be a successful Visalus Sciences Distributor which is crucial when reviewing a company. Visalus is also a financially sound company backed by Blythe and if you do not know who that is then lets just say Warren Buffett the second richest man in the world so you do not have to worry about this company ever shutting down which again is crucial because there are a lot of times when you work your but off to build a reliable income to check your inbox and see that your company is closing its doors. So is there such a thing as any ViSalus complaints or any dirt on them. To be honest yes, is there much validity to them, I would have to say no! I am here to just keep it real and give it the people straight.

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